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  • Thank you for taking a moment to provide us with feedback about our infotainment app. 

  • 1 

    How satisfied are you with the infotainment app? (1 Low - 10 High)

  • 2 

    How informative did you find the content? (1 Low - 10 High)

  • 3 

    Was the app easy to navigate?

  • 4 

    Were the text and images easy to read and view?

  • 5 

    Was the content relevant to your scenic train journey?

  • 6 

    Did the app enhance your train ride experience? 

  • 7 

    Did you encounter any technical issues? 

  • 8 

    If you answered 'Yes' to the last question, please let us know what issue you encountered. 

  • 9 

    Rate the app's performance (speed, responsiveness).

  • 10 

    What features would you like in future updates, and do you have any further suggestions for improvement?

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